H Words SEO Dictionary

 Header Tags – HTML tags that help outline a web page or draw attention to important information. Keywords located inside header tags can provide a rankings boost in the search engines.


<h1>This is an H1 tag.</h1>

<h2>This is an H2 tag.</h2>

Hidden Text and Hidden Links – Using a text font that is the same (or nearly the same) color as the background color, rendering the text or link invisible or very difficult to read. The same effect can also be achieved by using various HTML tricks.

Hidden text and hidden links are often used to artificially increase a web page’s keyword density for a keyword or keyphrase and/or to artificially boost the link popularity of other pages on your site(s).

The use of hidden text and hidden links is frowned upon by Google and most other search engines. Using them will most likely result in your web page(s) incurring a penalty by the search engines.

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Hits – The term hits is commonly misused. Many people think of a hit as a visit to one of their web pages. This is incorrect. A hit takes place every time a file is accessed on your mobile app development & Website.

H Words SEO Dictionary

For example, let’s say your friend’s home page has a logo gif and 12 pictures on it. Every time a visitor loads that page, 14 hits are recorded: 1 for the logo gif, 12 for the pictures, and one for the page itself. So don’t be all that impressed if he boasts that his site receives 1000 hits a day. In our example, those 1000 hits could have been generated by as few as 72 visitors to the site.

The only meaningful way to evaluate the traffic flow of a site is to consider the average daily or monthly number of unique visitors and page views a site receives.

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Home Directory – The main directory where your site’s main index page is located. The index page in your home directory can be accessed like this: http://www.yoursite.com

Headings – The heading element briefly describes the subject of the section it introduces.

Heading elements go from H1 to H6 with the lower numbered headings being most important. You should only use a single H1 element on each page, and may want to use multiple other heading elements to structure a document. An H1 element source would look like:

<h1>Your Topic</h1>

Heading elements may be styled using CSS. Many content management systems place the same content in the main page heading and the page title, although in many cases it may be preferential to mix them up if possible.

Headline – The title of an article or story.

Hidden Text – SEO technique used to show search engine spiders text that human visitors do not see.

While some sites may get away with it for a while, generally the risk to reward ratio is inadequate for most legitimate sites to consider using hidden text.

HITS – Link based algorithm which ranks relevancy scores based on citations from topical authorities.

See also: Jon Klienberg’s Authoritative Sources in a Hyperlinked Environment [PDF].

Hijacking – Making a search engine believe that another mobile app development & Website exists at your URL. Typically done using techniques such as a 302 redirect or meta refresh.

Home Page – The main page on your mobile app development & Website, which is largely responsible for helping develop your brand and setting up the navigational schemes that will be used to help users and search engines navigate your mobile app development & Website.

As far as SEO goes, a home page is typically going to be one of the easier pages to rank for some of your more competitive terms, largely because it is easy to build links at a home page. You should ensure your homepage stays focused and reinforces your brand though, and do not assume that most of your visitors will come to your site via the home page. If your site is well structured many pages on your site will likely be far more popular and rank better than your home page for relevant queries.

Host – See Server

.htaccess – Apache directory-level configuration file which can be used to password protect or redirect files.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) – is the language in which pages on the World Wide Web are created.

Some web pages are also formatted in XHTML.

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) – is the foremost used protocol to communicate between servers and web browsers. Hypertext transfer protocol is the means by which data is transferred from its residing location on a server to an active browser.

Hubs – Topical hubs are sites which link to well trusted within their topical community. A topical authority is a page which is referenced from many topical hub sites. A topical hub is a page which references many authorities.


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