J Words SEO Dictionary

 IDF (Inverse Document Frequency) – is a term used to help determine the position of a term in a vector space model.

IDF = log ( total documents in database / documents containing the term )

Image Map – Placing separate hyperlinks on different areas of the same image. Clicking on different parts of the image will take the user to different web pages. Not very search engine friendly.

Inbound Links – See Backlinks.

Index – Collection of data used as bank to search through to find a match to a user fed query. The larger search engines have billions of documents in their catalogs.

When search engines search they search via reverse indexes by words and return results based on matching relevancy vectors. Stemming and semantic analysis allow search engines to return near matches. Index may also refer to the root of a folder on a web server.

Indexing – After a search engine has crawled the web, it ranks the URLs found using various criteria (see algorithm) and places them in the database, or index.

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J Words SEO Dictionary

Information Architecture – Designing, categorizing, organizing, and structuring content in a useful and meaningful way.

Good information architecture considers both how humans and search spiders access a mobile app development & Website. Information architecture suggestions:

focus each page on a specific topic

use descriptive page titles and meta descriptions which describe the content of the page

use clean (few or no variables) descriptive file names and folder names

use headings to help break up text and semantically structure a document

use breadcrumb navigation to show page relationships

use descriptive link anchor text

link to related information from within the content area of your web pages

improve conversion rates by making it easy for people to take desired actions

avoid feeding search engines duplicate or near-duplicate content

Information Retrieval – The field of science based on sorting or searching through large data sets to find relevant information.

Informational Query – a query about a topic where the user expects to be provided with information on the topic, such as “alzheimer disease”, “programming languages”, etc.

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Inktomi – Search engine which pioneered the paid inclusion business model. Inktomi was bought by Yahoo! at the end of 2002.

Internal Link – Link from one page on a site to another page on the same site.

It is preferential to use descriptive internal linking to make it easy for search engines to understand what your mobile app development & Website is about. Use consistent navigational anchor text for each section of your site, emphasizing other pages within that section. Place links to relevant related pages within the content area of your site to help further show the relationship between pages and improve the usability of your mobile app development & Website.

Internal Navigation – See: Navigation

Internet – Vast worldwide network of computers connected via TCP/IP.

Internet Explorer – Microsoft’s web browser. After they beat out Netscape’s browser on the marketshare front they failed to innovate on any level for about 5 years, until Firefox forced them to.

Inverted File – See: Reverse Index

Invisible Web – Portions of the web which are not easily accessible to crawlers due to search technology limitations, copyright issues, or information architecture issues.

IP Address (Internet Protocol Address.) – A unique numerical that is assigned to every computer that connects to the internet. IP addresses can be either static (never unchanging) or dynamic (changes with every internet connection).

Your computer’s IP address is what enables it to be found on the internet in order to receive email, web pages, etc.


IP delivery – See: cloaking

IP Spoofing – Returning an IP address that is different from the one that is actually assigned to the destination mobile app development & Website. This is often done with redirects. A huge no-no (it’s even a criminal offense when done under certain circumstances).

ISP (Internet Service Providers) – sell end users access to the web. Some of these companies also sell usage data to web analytics companies.

Italics – See: emphasis


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